The versatile 555 Timer IC can be used in a variety of circuits like Time Delays, Oscillation, Pulse Generation, Pulse Width Modulation etc.
Astable multivibrator is also called as Free Running Multivibrator. It has no stable states and continuously switches between the two states without application of any external trigger.
The IC 555 can be made to work as an astable multivibrator with the addition of three external components: two resistors (R1 and R2) and a capacitor (C). The schematic of the IC 555 as an astable multivibrator along with the three external components is shown below.
The pins 2 and 6 are connected and hence there is no need for an external trigger pulse. It will self trigger and act as a free running multivibrator (oscillator).
The rest of the connections are as follows: pin 8 is connected to supply voltage (VCC). Pin 3 is the output terminal and hence the output is available at this pin.
Pin 4 is the external reset pin. A momentary low on this pin will reset the timer. Hence, when not in use, pin 4 is usually tied to VCC.
The control voltage applied at pin 5 will change the threshold voltage level. But for normal use, pin 5 is connected to ground via a capacitor (usually 0.01µF), so the external noise from the terminal is filtered out. Pin 1 is ground terminal.
The timing circuit that determines the width of the output pulse is made up of R1, R2 and C
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